Does Your Health-Focused Business Need a Rebrand? Our Rebranding Journey

Profits Through Podcasting
Profits Through Podcasting
Does Your Health-Focused Business Need a Rebrand? Our Rebranding Journey

Did you know that even if you haven’t done any branding, you still have a brand?

I was ignorant to our branding mistakes for years. After repeatedly smashing my head against the wall when trying to convert more new clients, I realized a painful lesson. I had neglected some key branding strategies.

Once I realized the mistake, we worked with a business consultant, marketing company, and finally a graphic/web designer to develop and roll out our latest iteration of East Coast Studio.

Now I’m sharing the lessons with you so you can apply them to your business and health-focused podcast!

Understanding the transformative power of niched branding as a health-focused podcaster is a game-changer. Learn from the journey of evolving our company’s brand from a lackluster, meaningless identity to a focused one, along with how it has changed the business. It’s crucial to understand who your ideal client is and create content through that lens.

This episode includes:

  • Why intentional branding is crucial for business success.
  • How to tailor services to maximize client outcomes and focus on high-ticket offers.
  • How a unique brand can help you stand out in a crowded digital landscape.
  • Lessons learned from neglecting our branding.
  • Why understanding your target audience is crucial in successful podcast monetization for health and wellness businesses.
  • Tips to manage the rebranding process as a small business owner.
  • How a well-developed brand identity empowers podcasting entrepreneurs to kickstart growth.

Are you pouring your heart into your podcast but still not seeing the growth you deserve? Download our free guide to unlock your podcast’s full potential and expand your impact:

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View unedited episode transcript

[00:00:00] Welcome to profits through podcasting, where we help health focused entrepreneurs generate leads and revenue for their business through podcasting. I’m your host, Joel Oliver, CEO of east. East coast studio. And today we are talking branding a crucial aspect of your health focused business.

And yes, that means you. If you’re listening, that absolutely means you. There are no exceptions. Even if you think you don’t need a brand or maybe you don’t have one, it still applies. To you. Okay. This can make. The difference between massive success for your podcast and business or complete weak sauce results.

And we don’t want that. Now a little while back, we had branding expert, Jackie Russo on here, and she said a very important. Thing about branding is that. Your business has a brand. Whether it was intentional or not,, you still have one.

Okay. Uh, it’s how you and your business come across on your website, on your social media and everything you do. That is your brand. Now until recently I would put east coast studio in that camp [00:01:00] of not having an intentional brand. But we did have something. It wasn’t really compelling or appealing to our ideal clients.

Not that we had an ideal client, but it was just, was not compelling to anybody. Okay. So I’m going to share today lessons from our journey with doing a complete rebrand of the company, which we finally just finished back in October as the year was winding down. And now we are moving full steam ahead into the new year 2025 with our new brand. And we’re going to go from the point where there was the realization that we actually needed a proper brand with intention behind it all the way through the implementation and where we ended up now.

So I hope you can learn from that to identify if you need to do some of this work and how to do it and learn from some of my mistakes as well.

So let’s begin with we’ll call the old, where we were. our brand at east coast studio, it had no intention at all. I had never consulted anyone about it. I never [00:02:00] tried to do anything.

We were just there. We were just a podcast editing company. Hopefully, if you found our website, you like us enough to book a call and then work with us. Okay. There was no consistency across anything from our website to our social media posts, the little tiny bit of social media we were doing. Um, there is no set colors, no fonts, no look, no consistent language and messaging.

Nothing. Uh, at one point, since we are a Canadian based company, we had website. We. Emphasize that we were in Canada and we hoped, well, at least if people in Canada are searching for a podcast editing company, They would find us and think, Hey, I want to work with these people. Cause they’re a little more local to me. But listen, that’s that did work to some extent, but that is not compelling enough.

And it’s just not, it’s just not good. You need to do better than that. Okay. Being in the same country is not really a selling point. As we learned. And so we were quite frustrated a [00:03:00] lot of the times. With the inflow of leads through the business. One thing I would say a lot is how come people are coming to our website. They are searching for a podcast editor.

They are landing on our website for one reason or another through organic search or ads. And then they don’t follow up. They don’t book the call. They don’t contact us. I mean, they need a podcast editor. Don’t they? Where we are one, we have a website. What is going on? I would be banging my head on the wall a lot, trying to figure that out. We did a pretty good amount of business through referrals and some online marketplaces, but we had no real control over it.

No ability to push growth or scale it up or optimize and improve the results we were just there and just had to take what we would get. And things did well for years, the business grew, but I wanted more control. I wanted to know that I could ramp up marketing and increase revenue in sales. If I wanted to not just sit back and take whatever happens to us. Okay.

So I had been thinking for a while, [00:04:00] what do we do next? We were trying a bit of marketing stuff, but nothing was really working. That was mainly some paid ads. We were doing some blogs. Uh, very poorly done Instagram page it just seemed like we were not able to get over this plateau. So that’s where the company was. Now I want to move into why we learned and decided to make these changes in rebrand and choose a niche and that sort of thing.

So. This whole part of the journey started from working with a consultant. Uh, business consultants, who I just met randomly at a networking event. And you know, if I hadn’t met that, that guy, I don’t know what would have happened. I’m sure I would’ve kept fumbling for a lot longer.

I don’t know if I ever would’ve figured out what I did from him. If I would’ve known who to look for. And made the leap. You know, one of the things is that hesitation, you have to spend money, you have to start doing something different. That can be nerve wracking and you just think, well, I can’t afford this, or I don’t want to do it.

I don’t want to waste the money. I’m not sure if this is [00:05:00] right, but because I met this guy and we became friends to some extent. I had some trust there. And I knew from his experience that perhaps this was a good thing to do. We should move forward with some help because whatever we had been doing, it just hadn’t been working. We hit that plateau.

I don’t know how to push past it. What do I do? And this person has the answers. So one of the first things that he told me once we started digging into the company was that we were thinking about marketing all backwards. He posed the question, how can you serve an ideal client if you don’t know who it is?

Because at that point, like I said, we were doing some paid ads and I didn’t know why it wasn’t working. So I came to him with that question. Why aren’t the ads working? And he’s asking me, well, who are you talking to? And I said, I don’t know. And he said, well, if you don’t know who that is, how can you possibly appeal to those people?

How can you speak to their issues? I thought, well, that’s pretty good point. You know, maybe this whole just existing as a podcast editing company, for anyone that needs a podcast edited doesn’t really work, or it only gets you so far. [00:06:00] At least. So in this, working with him, we declared that the first step was going to be identifying our best clients. He wanted me to do some homework. Look at your top clients, the ones you love working with the ones that pay on time, the ones that are doing consistent episodes, you’re getting the most revenue.

What are the commonalities amongst these top clients? You just love working with them and you wish that all of your clients could be like these people. Once we figure that out, they’re going to be a whole bunch of compounding benefits. And that’s what we came to discover. First of all, they are easy to work with. And they pay more.

So you can actually have fewer clients, but spend more time with these people and get them better results. So it’s a win-win. There is a synergy having a similar type of client within your business. You can connect them to each other.

You are learning about things that you can share with all of them. You can focus in on the things that really will help those specific type of people. You can provide more value to them. Right with that freed up time. I can [00:07:00] focus more on learning about the niche. Like I’m saying here, I can have my finger on the pulse. I can understand exactly what problems these clients are facing and how to help, how to solve them.

I can have more one-on-one time with them. When I was just spinning our wheels, working for wo budget clients, doing low cost projects. I’m just too busy with those projects to do anything else. But when I get time freed up, I can spend time on learning how to help serve my clients better. It’s just great. The compounding effect here. And you’ll do less work, but earn more money and help your clients get better results. So this all sounded really, really good to me, figuring out who these people are. Right.

So this all sounds great now, but I did have to be convinced of it. And trust the advice I was getting, as I said, because I met this person. I did have some trust, otherwise, I don’t know if I would have just trusted any random person that I found online maybe, but I’m stubborn like that. So along the way here, I discovered why all of this was important, [00:08:00] determining who your ideal client would be.

And I became really sold on the idea. And I’m not a business guy in the traditional sense. So having witnessed many rebrands over the years, I used to just think, oh, I’m watching people that just can’t make up their mind. Oh, this person’s rebranding again this week. Oh, another rebrand. Okay. You know, this is nonsense. Just go do your work and they’ll happen.

But I realized now I was very, very wrong about that. And branding is very important. So with that, why? Out on the table here. Now let’s get into how we actually went about this rebrand. This is going to be the bulk of the episode here.

All right. So we identified this niche that we wanted to be in based on looking at our top clients. The health and wellness space, let’s call it. We talk to our ideal clients, we understood their problems. And then we created a single offer. For those clients. And I’m not going to get into that too much in this episode, but you do hear me talk about high [00:09:00] ticket offers quite regularly in our frameworks and recurring revenue is very important as well.

So we needed that in place first. For just going to do these little one-off jobs or people that weren’t serious paying us, uh, almost nothing for an episode here and there. It’s hard to make money from that. In a reliable way and do marketing and have an actual marketing budget, right?

So we needed to have this, this high ticket offer that had a better margins for us. We could serve our clients better and it’s for a specific type of person. that’s for another episode, but we, that was a crucial part.

Okay. So with that offer in place, the company can run more efficiently, uh, acquiring a client means we’re getting a steady subscription from them. Now we know we have more that we can spend to acquire that client and we can streamline our operations because we know everyone’s going to be getting the same service.

There’s none of this different things for 50 different clients. Right. We do one thing. We do it really well. But how do we now go and sell and market that. [00:10:00] That’s where the branding comes in. With our ideal client in mind, we now worked with a marketing company to help with our messaging. And this also came from a recommendation. From Jackie Russo, who I mentioned earlier in this episode.

So that episode we did with her was very valuable to me. She talked about the book StoryBrand by Donald Miller. And I went down that rabbit hole and discovered that StoryBrand actually has a whole site of certified experts. And it’s marketing made All the people there have received certification in the StoryBrand techniques.

They know how to help craft your message, write, copy, that sort of thing. You can even actually browse that website based on niche. Like you can search by keyword. You can find people local to you. I thought it was an excellent resource. One of the reasons I was on that site. Is because at this point I wanted a done for you service. Now this did kind of had to be done with a little input from you.

You, you can’t just tell them to go do something and not give them any direction because it’s very near and dear to your [00:11:00] heart. As a business owner, they do need some direction. But what I’m saying is I didn’t want to work book. I tried that I’ve tried this many times with different things over the years in the business where they eat, they kind of teach you how to do it. And you go and do it, and it’s just not good. It’s just very mediocre.

And then you’re just at the end of the day, you’re like, I just wasted all this time and it still sucks. So I was not interested in a do it. Yourself or done with you? I want a done for you. I just wanted to get this complete for once properly. . So that’s why we went to a marketing company, talked to a few and settled on one that I thought could do the job.

I don’t want to use the word settled. It wasn’t like we settled. We, we finally made the decision. Uh, after it was, it was difficult because everyone that we spoke to, I felt that they were great. And you know what, one thing I noticed about these StoryBrand people, they were all very encouraging. and I know as a business owner, you want to get that deal.

You want to get that job. [00:12:00] But, uh, the ones that I didn’t end up working with, they said, that’s, that’s totally fine. I know anyone that you picked that StoryBrand certified is going to be great. They’re really going to help you, so, absolutely great. And if you ever have a recommendation or a referral for me or something else, I would be, I’d be happy to help.

So they weren’t butthurt. I really liked that everyone that I spoke to so great. So this whole experience working with Josh signal brand works, he helped develop. What’s called our messaging playbook. They crafted the messaging. They built a wireframe website for us. So it’s like a basic layout structure that you would hand off to a web designer later. They helped us develop a deep understanding of our ideal client.

So we kind of tell them what we’re going for and they go and refine that and give us something in writing that we should actually say, like, here’s your elevator pitch type thing. Here is a real serious description of this type of client that you want. Here is the type of phrasing you should use on your website and your marketing [00:13:00] materials. Really really important. When it comes to branding.

This was a really interesting process too, because I think one of the reasons that I’ve been so hung up on this over the years and hesitant to get into social media and that kind of thing is I just. Myself and my business partner. Who’s also my brother. We’re the same in this way. Like we just don’t want to stand.

We don’t want to just blend in. With everybody else out there. If I start an Instagram, I’m just going to be another guy talking on an Instagram real. Uh, if we get a website designed professionally, it’s just going to be another website that looks the same as all these other ones. It’s got. Okay. A nice font.

It’s got a blue, maybe. Uh, some stock photos. I just, uh, That. I don’t know. I don’t know, it just kind of crushes my soul because I’m a little ecentric. I want to stand out. And. I don’t know that my definition of standing out is necessarily [00:14:00] beneficial in every scenario, especially in this business. Where we’ve identified a niche that we want to work with and appeal to. Now, I really need to make sure that everything we do. Is pushing us in that direction.

I cannot have a different website. Just because I want it like that. We need to lay off that mindset. Or find a way to properly integrate it in a way that feels natural and congruent to us, but also serves the purpose. So maybe a little different, but have what we need there. Like okay. These, these colors work, this font works, but in what ways can we stand out? You know, one of the things I personally like the, the Vaporwave aesthetic, and I’ve seen a few websites like that.

Maybe you’ve seen it with like the, the eighties sunset. And, the statue head and these greens and neon pinks. I like that stuff. I also saw a website before that was like a 1990s computer desktop theme, which I think is cool. But I cannot just build that because I think it’s cool and it’s different, [00:15:00] right?

So this led me to the next decision of, we need a pro here again for this next step, a visual branding expert, whatever this would be. Take my input design, something that will appeal to our ideal client. And I’m not saying this like in a way that I want to. Trick them or make something that just whatever you have to do, make something our client will like.

And I don’t care. Like I do in my heart. I care about that. I want to be able to serve them. I want to have a great brand that is trustworthy and respectable and they can admire and say, I want to work with those people. So that’s important to me. I’m just saying that from, from within me, I don’t have that in there. To make something that appeals to them.

So that’s why we entrust the help of experts to develop something that’s going to help the business. But it’s also true to us. That leads me to the next part of this, which is that, uh, the graphic designer that we started working with I’ll, I’ll, I’ll call it that title graphic designer, but I think she [00:16:00] does a lot more than that. This woman helped us with our logo, colors, fonts, and actually our website as well and our podcast artwork. So I’m going to share the story about her. Now. Years ago.

I already mentioned years ago. I was very ignorant to the importance of proper brand. , this was something else that I noticed. Once upon a time. How come some brands, some websites just look very sharp. They look great. And ours doesn’t. Now I had seen this concept before of paying someone for a branding. Uh, to choose your fonts and your colors.

I had had clients years ago, who would hand me this branding sheet and say, Hey, you need to use these fonts and colors in our stuff. And I would just think whatever this is, non-sale do it. Obviously, I’m going to do it. But I just don’t see the, the importance of changing the font is going to make the big move the needle in your business.

But that said, how come our [00:17:00] website doesn’t really look as sharp as some of these other ones that I’ve seen online. What makes a amazing website stand out versus one that just looks very average and boring. So we know there’s something there, but I was just not really understanding what it was. At that time.

And now these days, I do really understand that. And I’m kind of ashamed that I didn’t clue into that sooner and get help with this sooner because I’m so happy with how things turned out now. But you know, this business has been around for quite a few years without a real identity or brand. So. That’s on me.

And if there’s one thing you can take away from this episode, it would be that. You do need a brand. You need to have an intentional brand and you should get to that sooner rather than later, perfecting that and moving forward on that path. And it may not be perfect the first time you may have to pivot and change multiple times, and that’s fine, but, uh, what’s the saying, having to do with fail fast. You just get it done. If you’re going to have to learn the hard way, make mistakes, you just might as well get going on it right now.

Don’t [00:18:00] wait years. Like I did. Something else here too. I had dabbled in some of this stuff over the years, whether it was with myself as DIY or with some different contractors. And when I worked with, in that way, I noticed. Nothing ever flowed. Like the website. It was just, it was just there the way it was bad.

The copy was bad. The logo was generic. The colors were nothing like the web designer. I would go get a web designer. They made a website, but they didn’t get any input from me about here. Our brand’s colors. They didn’t have any understanding of any specific niche or person that we wanted to appeal to or what type of color and font appeals to those people. Everything was just discombobulated. .

So that didn’t work well. I like the idea of having one person or a smaller number of people work on something as a whole, where the entire goal of them is to make something that. Has synergy in works together. Well, it’s complimentary. And it’s all part of the [00:19:00] same package, not just plucking, you know, a logo from one person, a website from someone else. That did not work. So the person I ended up working with for this, I got her as a recommendation from a friend and it’s funny, I actually met this friend completely randomly. And then the whole situation was random. Because him and I were at a cafe getting some work done. And I was saying, you know, man, I am fed up with this.

Cause at the moment I had been trying a freelancer again to make a new logo. I had been into this branding thing and wanted a logo. Tried someone on a cheap website. And I, and I got a whole bunch. I don’t even know if AI made them or how this person created these, but there were, there was a whole bunch of terrible, terrible logos. That they got me super quick. And. I was just, I was venting and saying, what is going on with this? Look at these logos.

It’s terrible. How can I get someone to do a good job? Because I was so disappointed. I don’t know how much it costs, maybe a hundred bucks or something. I had no [00:20:00] reference for what it should cost. And, uh, in that conversation, my buddy said, Hey, you know what? I know someone from way back years ago. Who is graphic designer? And you should just check out our website. And I did.

So her name was Eva and I was extremely impressed right away. Not only did she do graphic design and branding, but also websites, which was great because I wanted a single person to work on all of this. And I looked at her portfolio and I was so impressed. I thought, I want this person. This is the kind of person that I want to work on.

Our stuff, someone who I can pay, they’re going to do a great job and I’m going to be happy. Now having no reference point, I was. A little surprised perhaps by the cost. But certainly not down downplaying the talent. For sure. I just didn’t know what it would cost properly. And coming from that, as I mentioned, that ignorant background that I have years ago, where I just thought you don’t need a special logo or a font color. To then paying a hundred bucks for a logo [00:21:00] designer. To see a number that’s in the thousands.

That’s a little surprising. I just thought, okay. You know what? I’ve spent all these years, not understanding the importance of branding. I’ve seen these websites where some are great. Some are not, I’m done with this. I want an expert. I want to get this done, right? This is it.

This is the time. So it was pricier than I had expected perhaps, but so, so worth it. And I just wish I had done it years ago. The whole experience working with Eva was, was fantastic because like I said, I just, I was saying, wow, someone who knows what they’re doing. You know, like I, this is what I I’ve dreamt of is just here’s money. Make something that’s amazing.

And she really, really did that. Okay now. Talking about the cost, of course, at a certain stage in business, you’ve got to do what you got to do. We were a bootstrap company. I didn’t have thousands of dollars. Way back earlier in the business is the early stages to spend on a logo. You do what you gotta do, make something in Canva, [00:22:00] whatever, but this is just what I’ve learned over time in fortunately we’re at we’ve well, for quite a while, we’ve been at the point where we can. Spend a little on branding and getting this done properly.

I’ve just gone years with that budget and did nothing. So when you’re able to do that, Give it some serious consideration. And if you’re not confident in the work that you’ve done yourself, consult a pro and see what you should do to move forward, because this is very important and I just wish I had done it sooner. So Eva helped develop our logo, that visual branding, the logo, the colors. The fonts and then moved into the website as well.

And that’s another thing. Yes, you can get a website for free or several hundred dollars and it can work. But when you get serious about this branding stuff, my conclusion is that this type of thing matters. There is a difference between a $5,000 website a couple hundred dollar website. That’s just all there is to it.

I’m super, super happy with how ours turned out . I’m so, so happy about this entire process. [00:23:00] And not just that, but when we went to work with her, for the visual branding and the website, that messaging playbook that we had gotten from the marketing company in the previous step, that was a great help for her.

You know, Eva wouldn’t have been able to do as good of a job if we didn’t have that clarity. Now, when you start working with her, you submit a bunch of information. You ask a bunch of questions. So she is able to identify who you’re trying to target. And then she bases her work on that. And she gives you these details.

Like here’s why I chose this color. This. Type of person, you know, it appeals to them. But I myself wouldn’t have had the proper clarity. I just don’t have that kind of mind. I couldn’t come up with the words. So when I went to answer her questions, I was so much more prepared having worked with the marketing company before.

Cause they gave us that document full of all this stuff that she then needed to understand our ideal client. And develop the branding and the website for them. . So that’s the progression. There was the consultant at the very beginning, understanding [00:24:00] who our ideal client is. Developing the niche moving next to the marketing company who helped develop the messaging in the words. And then finally to the visual in the website aspect.

Okay. So with all that done, we were ready to put this out into the world. We are a smaller company. So on one hand, there were not a ton of places that we had to update the logo. Uh, and the fonts and things like that. But on the other hand, we are a smaller team. So we have fewer people to try and figure this out, but I will say it was relatively seamless and a smooth transition.

I know somewhat. A good amount about tech. So the various softwares and documents and things like that, where we did need to change the logo. It wasn’t over my head. It was just a matter of finding where it was and not letting anything slip through the cracks. And, uh, people are understanding these days of this whole build in public thing.

They know it doesn’t have to be perfect. Right. It’s just, it is what it is. And I’m not that kind of person either, maybe to a fault, but. [00:25:00] We just, we launched the website and the logo slowly over several days, like one day, all of a sudden I just, I got the logo. I loved it. We approved it. I left, I put it up on social media. So our Instagram and our LinkedIn page just had a new logo, all of a sudden, . The website, it was still old.

At that point, we were still working on that. Tweaking it. But after whatever 3, 4, 5 days. I officially announced it. Online a, had a post with an explanation of what the new logo was about. The new website was live. And I even made a, an Instagram story prior to that. I said, Hey, if you find any problems on our website, we’re still tweaking it,

this is a big thing. For us. So if you happen to see something that’s an issue, please let me know. I’m not going to just try and do a perfect launch. Let’s just roll it out and see what happens. The podcast. That branding shifted as well.

And because of the ordering of things and working ahead. Some of the episodes ended up having old branding [00:26:00] still and then some had new and then it would go back to the old would be out of order. Again, I’m just not really the kind of person who cares that much about this. Now. I’m sure there’s an expert out there that would tell me that this is a bad attitude. But we’re small business owners. I can’t occupy myself with all these tiny details that just really, aren’t going to make a huge difference at the end of the day. I think it’s all going to work out in the wash. Given some time it will be fine. So let’s just let it work through.

I’m not going to expend resources on things that just don’t really matter. So whatever, in two or three months, all the episodes that were in the queue, they’ll be out. The new branding will be on everything and we’re full steam ahead.

All of this took a lot longer than I expected. We were still learning along the way. I was dragging my heels at times, not really knowing what to do, who to consult with, but finally we got it done.

It’s such a big weight off of my shoulders to have this completed.

We had a lot of things too, that were waiting. To go. It’s like we’re at the starting line of a marathon, just waiting to hear that shot. And it just wasn’t [00:27:00] happening. I wanted to get started on a mailing list. I wanted to hire someone for help with social media and start doing some image posts on Instagram. A whole bunch of things that we just couldn’t do yet. Because we were waiting on the branding.

I wanted to reach out to podcast guests in the health and wellness space, but I can’t do it and tell them, Hey, in a couple of months, we’re going to be having a new website and everything’s going to be in this niche. It’s got to be there. When they go look at your website, otherwise you could be wasting your time.

So there’s a lot just riding on that, waiting, waiting, waiting, and a lot of work that went into the project. So it was nice to finally have all that behind us and say, here we are, we’ve got our brand. I don’t need to think about developing a new website every day anymore. It’s done onto the next thing.

We’ve got our solid brand and website in place now. And we can move on. Uh, and maybe we’ll tweak it. I don’t know. Maybe in a few months we’ll have a different idea and that’s totally cool people do that. You learn and you pivot and shift. But for now. This is what it is.

And at the end of the day, the goal is to grow the business. [00:28:00] We didn’t just rebrand for fun. We want to have a bigger, better business. We want to help more people. We want to focus in on this niche and help those people more. And, you know, as a business owner, you of course want more revenue and you want more freedom as well, but it’s not all about that.

I am excited at the idea of building a business that helps more people and is more solid. It looks better. The brand is great. We’re just growing as a company and that’s a great feeling.

So you probably notice since that rebrand was finished, we had been a lot more active with different types of content. We’re doing things behind the scenes all the time as well, that you may not see in public ever or right away.

But yeah, there’s a lot happening here and I’m so grateful that we’ve made it through this journey. And we’re now focusing on the next exciting part of, uh, of the adventure. So. Thank you so much for listening. I hope this was insightful to you. Really, my intention of doing this episode was to share my lessons.

And as I said, the number one was being not doing this soon enough, not even [00:29:00] considering that branding was important and then kind of messing around along the way and just, I should have just had it all done and figured out a lot sooner, but that’s it, when you’re an entrepreneur, you’re doing a lot of things.

You’re just learning as you go, but taking advice from other people and mentors. And videos and anyone out there you can learn from to help get you going in the right direction faster is very, very useful. In the show notes for this episode, I will include some of the links that I mentioned for the marketing made simple website.

Also the people that we worked with on this project. If you have any questions. Feel free to ask. I don’t have all the answers, but I’m happy to discuss and try to point you in the right direction. And I hope this was useful. So thank you for listening and we’ll catch you on the next one.

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