Spring Cleaning for Your Podcast

Feel like your podcasting mojo is slipping? A little spring cleaning may be just what you need!

If your download numbers have plateaued, your content feels more challenging to create, or your enthusiasm is waning, then it’s probably the perfect time to make a few adjustments. You can invigorate your show with a few simple tweaks that change things up and give the podcast a fresh new feel.


Update Your Artwork

Step back and take a look at your podcast artwork objectively. Does it need to be reworked or updated? A subtle or not-so-subtle refresh could help! Your podcast’s logo is the face of your show, so you need to ensure that it’s recognizable, enticing, and immediately shows prospective listeners what they can expect.


Running Order

Revamping your running order, letting go of segments that aren’t working, or adding a new feature is a great way to add a little extra shine to your podcast. Spicing up how you present the content can surprise your audience and remind them how much value they get from your show. Do you need a few more guests, for example, or is your format still working for you? You don’t have to make massive alterations, but a periodic revamp keeps your audience on their toes and helps you gauge what works best for your show.


Intros and Outros

You’re probably so familiar with your intro and outro that you don’t even hear them anymore. It shouldn’t surprise you to hear that your listeners probably feel the same way. Adding a fresh new sound to the beginning and end of your podcast can recapture your audience’s attention all over again. You could also think about recording a new call to action. If you have any new offerings, bring them to your audience’s attention or simply check that your messaging around asking for reviews is on point. Same goes with any advertisements that have been running for a long time without change.


Check Your Website

Take a hard look at your copy and check if it needs an update and ensure your messaging is optimized for your audience. Your website is another avenue, in addition to podcast apps, for your potential listeners to find and interact with your show. Check that all the pages on the site look clean and attractive and reflect your brand. Are there any sections that have been neglected and need a little TLC? Ensure that you haven’t left any placeholder text, ensure all your links work, and any embedded video or audio still looks good.


There are plenty of small ways you can spring clean for your podcast without committing to a huge overhaul. Have a good look at other shows in your niche and see what they’re up to. If you lack inspiration, you’ll get a general feel of what’s working for your topic areas. Whether you need to switch up your podcast logo, add a new intro or outro to the show, or even find more guests, it’s easy to boost your enthusiasm and audience interaction!

Spending too many hours on your health-focused podcast and need help taking back your time? Book your Podcast Vitality Call now!

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