How Long Should a Podcast Trailer Be? + More Advice

We’ve all been sucked in by movie trailers on Netflix or Amazon Prime. You’re about to switch the TV off, when all of a sudden, a trailer grabs you by the eyeballs. An hour later, you’re binge watching an entire series. What if there was a similar way for your podcast to catch the ear of people casually browsing a platform like Apple podcasts? With podcast trailers, there is! But, how long should a podcast trailer be?

A podcast trailer works on the same principles as a movie trailer. You give your potential listeners just enough info about your show to entice them to look up full-length episodes. The trailer for your show can hook listeners and give them the low down on what they’ll get from your episodes. You can also pin it right at the top of your podcast homepage to catch your potential audience’s attention.

Benefits of Making a Trailer

Of course, you’re already making the most of the space allowed for a written description of your show to take advantage of the SEO benefits. But imagine how attractive a small chunk of audio would be in showcasing your podcast and getting the audience familiar with your voice. A creatively crafted trailer gives a sneak peek into your show and demonstrates to potential listeners just what they’ll get when they subscribe. Still, it’s not just a way to turn passers-by into loyal listeners. It has phenomenal versatility as a marketing tool!

You can use a trailer to bring attention to your podcast by:

  1. Embedding your trailer on the front page of your website. By doing this, visitors to your site can be easily introduced to your podcast.
  2. Turning your trailer into the perfect social media post to gain even more reach.
  3. Trading trailers with another show in your niche. If you build relationships with other podcasters, then you could leverage one another’s audiences to gain new listeners.
  4. Using your trailer to make your entry into the world of podcasting seamless. Submit your trailer to the major podcast directories as a path to getting approved and listed. Your launch will then be a breeze as you won’t have to worry about delays when you’re ready to go live.

Creating Your Trailer

Your trailer needs to tease the best bits of your show, giving hints about all the great stuff listeners will hear on the episodes that follow, while holding back enough to intrigue them. There are a few integral pieces of information to include when you’re making your podcast trailer. First of all, don’t forget to include the name of your podcast at least a couple of times. Describe your show, too. Make it clear what your audience will be hearing when they tune in, in a way that resonates with your listeners and matches the tone of your podcast.

You might be thinking about hiring a voice-over artist to make your trailer. This can work, but remember, you want your audience to connect with your unique voice. Therefore, it’s probably a better bet to dive right in and record the trailer yourself. They’re usually tuning in to the trailer to get an idea of what the podcast itself will sound like in terms of presentation and quality, and if they like you!

Let potential listeners know where to find you and how they can hear more. Drop your website, your social media links, and the platforms they’ll find the show on. This helps your audience find and connect with you in addition to cluing them into all the ways you share your quality content.

How Long Should a Podcast Trailer Be?

Don’t make your trailer too long, and don’t go into excessive detail and stuff your podcast taster with too much. After all, the goal is to leave them wanting more! Around 60 seconds is the optimum length to grab interest and direct listeners to the full shows.

Sample Trailer

Want to see exactly how a trailer could look?

Here’s the script for our trailer that we use for Profits Through Podcasting.

Are you an entrepreneur in the health and wellness space using a podcast to help grow your business and your impact in the world? On Profits Through Podcasting, we learn directly from other online health and wellness business owners like doctors, therapists, coaches, health business consultants, and more. 

We hear exactly what they found to work when it comes to expanding their reach, helping more people, and earning revenue. What’s working these days for generating leads? What size team do they have? And how does the business work? How do you go from zero to 30,000 Instagram followers? And how do you generate sales from your audience in a way that aligns with your mission to serve? 

Those are just some of the topics you’ll hear about on Profits Through Podcasting. So if you’re in the health and wellness space and trying to grow your business with podcasting as one of your marketing tools, be sure to follow the show so you get every single bit of advice that we uncover to level up your business faster.

Key Takeaways

The secret to a trailer that reels your potential audience in is to deliver all the critical details in a creative way. It must engage and intrigue them right over to their favorite podcast platform to subscribe. Be authentic, be clear, and be concise about what listeners will find when they tune in.

Need help consistently producing your health-focused podcast and saving time? Book your Podcast Vitality Call now!

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